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Quotes: Welcome
“Leaders are made, not born. Each of us has the potential to be a great leader, though most of us require a little help developing that potential and honing the skills to remain proficient.”
VADM (Ret.) Sally Brice O’Hara
Source: Leadership Tools Sharpen Readiness, USCG Reservist, Vol 53, Issue 3-06
“Good Leadership requires flexibility, agility and curiosity.”
ADM (Ret.) Thad Allen
Source: You have to Lead from Everywhere, Harvard Business Review, November 2010
"The American public counts on us to remain "Always Ready" to defend our Nation, safeguard our citizens and facilitate our economy-just as we've done for nearly 230 years. This is why we serve!"
ADM Karl Schultz
Source: "Message from the Commandant", The Long Blue Line, Spring 2020
"To be a successful organization, the Coast Guard adapts or changes direction, by making course corrections to ensure we achieve mission success. But it all starts with individuals who develop and who apply their development in the workplace....If we are truly committed to the organization and its mission, we must be open to change. Embrace it, plan it and expect it."
Senior Chief Jeff Halcomb
Source: The Reservist, Volume LVII, Issue 2, 2011
"We are defined by our missions, our people and our heritage. Your dedication to our missions keeps our nation safe and secure."
ADM (Ret.) Robert J. Papp
Source: The Reservist, Volume LVII, Issue 2, 2011
“Leadership can come from many sources. It can come from the formal power afforded by a specific billet or title or it can come from the informal power afforded by experience, technical expertise or simply force of personality.”
RDML (Ret.) John C. Acton, USCGR
Source: The Reservist, Vol51/Issue 5-05
“Always help the people under you to develop their careers and encourage them to excel and advance.”
SCPO (Ret.) Marguerite Demartino, USCGR
Source: The Reservist, Vol 64/Issue 2
“As a leader your job is to keep an eye on everyone to make sure no one is left behind. I always tried to make it point to look for the ones who weren’t always immediately identifiable as highly capable…sometimes the quietest person in the room can become one of the most important pieces of your team.”
VADM (Ret.) Peter Neffenger
Source: CG Learning the Ropes Podcast, Episode 1
“When you’re able to allow people to feel like they belong, rather than just ‘fitting in’, you’re going to have a more productive workforce and better retention rates.”
CAPT (Ret.) Charlene Downey
Source: CG Learning the Ropes Podcast, Episode 2
“You do well at sea, you can do just about anything on shore.”
CAPT Patrick Culver
Source: Gold Ancient Mariner Change of Watch Ceremony/17 July 2020
“Do the right thing, then live with yourself, don’t be afraid to walk away if that’s the consequence of doing the right thing. Right is right, even if no one does it. Wrong is wrong, even if everyone does it.”
CAPT (Ret.) John Pruitt
Source: CG Learning the Ropes Podcast, Episode 3
“Leadership: the ability to reconcile opportunity and competency.”
ADM (Ret.) Thad Allen
Source: NCGM Webinar – “Stories that Matter: 15th Anniversary of the CG Response to Katrina”/26 August 2020
“The best strategists have a certain curiosity and openness to the world, seeing it as it is with all of it’s potential, and having a desire to the take our organization into that future.”
CDR Kate Higgins - Bloom
Source: CG Learning the Ropes Podcast, Episode 5
“Leadership above all is about people: get to know their hopes, dreams, goals and fears – what is truly important them. Once you know that, it really opens the door for you to set a vision and carry a team forward that is going to perform at a higher level.”
CAPT William Woityra
Source: CG Learning the Ropes Podcast, Episode 6
"We select specific people for CO positions, because when the world goes bad, they don't freak out."
CAPT (Ret.) John Pruitt
Source: CG Learning the Ropes Podcast, Episode 3
"A mentor is someone you call and ask for advice, maybe you take them out to lunch once in a while. A sponsor is someone that takes you out to lunch to ask: How are you doing?, What's your next assignment?, How can I help?"
CAPT (Ret.) Jon Spaner
Source: CG Learning the Ropes Podcast, Episode 4
“Every emergency disaster response becomes an exercise in applied civics.”
ADM (Ret.) Thad Allen
Source: NCGM Webinar – “Stories that Matter: 15th Anniversary: the CG Response to Katrina”/26AUG20
“When you’re in Command, your job is to shape conditions so that the people below you can succeed.”
CAPT (Ret.) Jon Spaner
Source: CG Learning the Ropes Podcast, Episode 4
“Leaders must continually hone their own self-awareness: you could be knowledgeable about a lot of things, but it’s more important to know when you are not the most knowledgeable. Always be aware your blind spots and have a sense of knowing when you need help.”
CAPT William Woityra
Source: CG Learning the Ropes Podcast, Episode 6 – Bonus
"I have seen firsthand all aspects of our organization come together to make a difference in people's lives, and ultimately, that is why we serve."
Master Chief Apenburg
Source: Reservist, Volume LXV, Issue 1, 2018 Re: the CG's Hurricane MARIA response
Quotes: Quote
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